Archive for October, 2010

Entrepreneurship: Trade Shows: A view from the trenches


- Jay Maharjan
For the last couple of weeks, I have been writing on the topic of new economy and how entrepreneurs can tackle, get ready for the changing times. As I am preparing to speak on the topic of sustaining as an entrepreneur in tough economies, I visited a couple of trade shows at the [...]

Global Influence of Drucker (video)


These all-volunteer organizations draw on Peter Drucker’s vast body of work for information and inspiration as they seek to effect positive change in their local communities.
By implementing a slate of programs, developed in conjunction with the Drucker Institute, the Drucker Society Network has become a living, breathing embodiment of Peter Drucker’s [...]

Carpe diem


- Jay Maharjan
Holding Banks accountable -
This piece on TheHuffPost makes a valid point why there is a lending freeze in the United States and how it is hurting entrerpeneurs and small businesses like you. While small businesses are uncertain about their tax future, all the bailed out banks are sitting on over trillion dollars cash [...]

Carpe diem: Fostering entrepreneurship equals NEW JOBS


…the only real economic policy today that has any chance of working in the United States today is to promote the emergence of small business.  Many of those businesses will fail; some will become thriving though never large enterprises; a few will become world-changing giants like Microsoft and Google.
Unfortunately for Democrats, the policies needed to [...]

Carpe diem: Education for conceptual economy


Reading ‘How to fix our schools: A manifesto by Joel Klein, Michelle Rhee and other education leaders’ this morning I felt that the authorities at some of the largest school districts are still missing the 100 pound gorilla lingering in this reform process – its not the teachers alone that is causing the school systems [...]

Carpe diem: Small town entrepreneurs


Having spent many years of schooling in the midwest, I really felt how it was like to live in a small town America. Entrepreneurial and creative spirit was  high but the resources were extremely limited. People often made tough choices to either stay home and take on limited career opportunities or leave for more creative [...]

Carpe diem: Druckerism for entrepreneurs


I appreciate wisdom of Peter Drucker lot more now than when I had him as my professor at business school. If he were alive today, he probably would speak up for entrepreneurs, offer his no nonsense advice for entrepreneurs to innovate, stay relevant to the changing times and never to do really well the things that [...]

Carpe diem: need for collaboration


Being part of several powerful conferences in the big apple this past week, I came out feeling strongly about the fact that this is a great time to be an entrepreneur. If you are an entrepreneur, there is no excuse not to be able to make things happen! With the advent and now at its [...]

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