By Jay Maharjan
The rules of entrepreneurship still apply in principle, but the medium has changed drastically. This is probably the best time in our history to pursue entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are defying the logic and business rationale to make things happen individually. Gone are the days when you needed huge capital and veteran management teams to [...]
The Man Who Invented Management: Why Peter Drucker’s ideas still matter
Excerpt from a BusinessWeek article (read the original article)
Well before his death, before the almost obligatory accolades poured in, Drucker had already become a legend, of course. He was the guru’s guru, a sage, kibitzer, doyen, and gadfly of business, all in one. He [...]
The contest encourages creative young people to become entrepreneurs as part of the first-ever Global Entrepreneurship Week. The Race to BE. competition will focus on the genres of film, music and fashion. Each competition will take place in its respective artistic center: Los Angeles (film), Austin (music) and New York (fashion). Applicants must be between [...]
This is your rare opportunity to pitch your business idea to Sir Richard Branson.
Are you seeking capital or business partners for a new business? The Perfect Pitch 2009 will introduce your business to hundreds of accredited investors and entrepreneurs.
Plus, the Top 3 submissions will each win the following package:
* 2 VIP Tickets to [...]